“He who is not with Me (definitely on my side)
Is against Me, and he who does not (definitely)
Gather with Me and for My side, scatters”
Mathew 12: 30 (AMP)

It is beautiful how the above scripture explains how we can be with or against Jesus…and it is more beautiful to know that it is Jesus speaking in the above scripture.

Also, it is very interesting how we, willingly and quickly, identify with Jesus. It’s interesting because most of the times, we knowingly or unknowingly work against the same Jesus… willingly and quickly, even without persecutions or temptations in the picture.

Dear one,

We don’t get to decide for God. We don’t get to decide the “hows” and “whats” that qualify us to be His own or the “hows” and “whats” of our lives when we’re His…God, Himself, gets to decide that. In so doing, He didn’t leave us clueless. As a matter of fact, He didn’t give us clues; He made the “hows” and “whats” as plain and simple as possible so when we see them, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can identify them.

These “hows” and “whats” are found in the Bible, and like I will always say, it is okay to listen to preachers, it is okay to read books, but all of these is nothing compared to searching the scriptures for yourself and allowing the Holy Spirit teach you the scriptures. Let the Bible be your #1 go to source when you want to know Jesus’ “hows” and “whats.” It is now left for the Holy Spirit to further lead you to other sources, which might include: Books, Preachers, Tapes etc.

One of the scriptures that show us the “hows” and “whats” is our opening scripture. The truth in the above scripture is plain, simple and very easy to understand. It is almost impossible for a heart that is submitted to the Holy Spirit to miss the truth that dwells in it. It says:

“…he who does not (definitely)
Gather with Me and for my side


Let’s ask ourselves some personal questions:

  • What am I gathering?
  • Am I gathering it with Jesus?
  • What is on my mind?
  • What is the inspiration behind the thought?
  • How and when was the idea birthed?
  • Is it God given?
  • Can I ask that the Blessings I already have in Christ be released on it?
  • Can I see myself communicating with God peacefully, as I go through the process?
  • Do I have the Joy of the Lord in my heart?
  • What about His Peace?

It doesn’t say gather for Jesus, it says gather with Jesus. We don’t assume or tell ourselves that we’re doing it for Jesus, no we don’t. We know we’re doing it for Jesus, when we do it with Jesus.

If you’re doing something with someone, then you’re a team, and every good team should have a leader. Jesus is the head our team. He leads, we follow…and in so many places in the Bible, we’re assured that He is the best leader that has ever crossed our paths, and ever will. He listens to our opinions, and through the person of the Holy Spirit He makes sure to clear our doubts, so much so, we know we’re on the right track.

So, since we have a team leader, we wait for His orders…we wait for Jesus to give orders, directions, instructions…and every other thing we’ll ever need. Of course, we get to be heard, but our opinions don’t really matter. Now, this is not because Jesus looks down on us, or considers us inferior, no. it is because:

  1. He knows the end from the beginning, and all details that lies between the end and the beginning…and we don’t.
  2. He has done the entire task for us, and doesn’t want us to work…but just receive.
  3. He is the only supreme Strength, and power, and wisdom, and every other thing we’ll need or ever need…we’re not.
  4. He loves us unconditionally, so much, far beyond ALL we can ever imagine and think…we’re safe and secured.

Jesus while on earth told His disciples, that He does nothing from Himself, but only what He sees His Father in heaven doing.

 “…I tell you, the Son is able to do nothing
From Himself—of His own accord; but He
Is able to do only what He sees the Father doing
For whatever the Father does is what the son does
In the same way (in His turn)”
John 5:19 (AMP)

 Again, Jesus when talking to His disciples about the Holy Spirit says that the Holy Spirit will not lead us according to His own will, but according to the will of the Father.

“But when He, the Spirit of Truth…
Comes, He will guide you into all the Truth—
The whole Truth. For He will not speak His own
Message—on His own authority—but He will
Tell whatever He hears from the Father…”
John 16:13 (AMP)

 Now, what does this tell us? It means when we became part of the kingdom we cease doing things for ourselves…we cease doing our own will. We’re called to partake in the kingdom business. Like Jesus, like the Holy Spirit we don’t do our own will, but the will of the Father, and when we gather with Jesus, we’re doing the Father’s will because the Father made Jesus to be in charge…and Jesus follows the orders from the Father.

We gather with Jesus, for His side, for His kingdom, for His cause, for His purpose. Every day we live on earth is a gift from God to us, so we can gather with Jesus.

More questions:

  • How do I spend my daily?
  • How well do I communicate with Jesus?
  • When last did the Holy Spirit impress something on my heart?
  • Have I done it?
  • Did I do it like God will have me do it?
  • Do I even wait and get instructions from Jesus, through the Holy Spirit?
  • How swift am I to obey God?
  • Am I my gathering with Jesus…for His side?

 When we’re gathering with Jesus, most times, we can’t help but look stupid in the eyes of men…that is very okay. When we wait for His orders, for our next step, and refuse to follow the broad way but the narrow…people will tell us things, they will look at us funny, they will persecute us, mock us, tempt us, laugh at us, and do much more…but it’s okay…it’s okay if we go through all these for His name. Blessed, happy, and to be envied are we (Mathew 5:10, 11).

And it’s not hard to always get to Jesus, to find out what He will have us do at every given time (Mathew 11:28-30). More than we’re willing to hear, the Holy Spirit is willing to speak to us. At first, it might feel like you’re not getting anything, but keep practicing the act of asking the Holy Spirit and waiting for His respond. Soon, you’ll get use to His presence. Jesus promised us that “… those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…shall be completely satisfied” (Mathew 5:6 AMP).

Always remember that if you’re not gathering with Jesus, for His side…you’re scattering. For Jesus says:

he who is not with Me (definitely on my side),
Is against Me, and he who does not (definitely)
Gather with Me, and for my side scatters”

No…this shouldn’t be our fate…Jesus can’t and won’t love us any less, but…we’re made for more. We’re on a mission. We didn’t get here by chance. We’re created for a specific purpose, a purpose that will expand the kingdom, even on this side of eternity.

We’re team Jesus.

Get in the Gym,

Stay Spiritually Fit.




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