“January 2019 has come and gone and I’m grateful for all the unseen VICTORIES I recorded”—this is the repentant me, being thankful to my Creator, Preserver and Father.
Before I repented, let me tell you what I told God in the place of prayer during the last few days of January 2019:
“God, January is coming to an end and I haven’t achieved anything significant. God, one month just went by, and I don’t even have my footing yet. God I’m scared. I don’t want 2019 to be like 2018, and I’m beginning to fear already…because January just went by and I didn’t do much as I hoped and planned. God please help me!” *insert real tears*
If you are like me, I mean, if you’ve said any prayer that sounds and looks like the prayer above…this blog post is for you and me.
Why did I have to repent?
I struggled with a whole lot last year, especially when it comes to my character and how I related with other persons. I felt so bad that I had to raise my voice at people. I wanted to have more self-control; I wanted to be more patient, kind, gentle, peaceful, humble, joyful and loving. I wanted to throw out bad habits that have lived with me for years. I wanted to spend more time with Jesus. I wanted to be more focused on my portion. I wanted to learn to mind my business…
It’s been only a month in the year 2019, and surprisingly I’ve seen the answers to a whole lot that I asked for when it comes to my character and how I relate to others. Honestly, when I say surprisingly, I mean surprisingly.
But you see, I never got to be very excited about those answers as I would have been if God has granted other requests that I believed were more valuable. I also wanted to get a certain kind of job. I wanted to get the right platforms to express some kind of ideas and passions. I haven’t gotten them, and from where I was standing, I utterly believed that those are very and more important. Why? Because they have to do with career growth and they will in some kind of way change my status, so I felt bad when I didn’t get them. I didn’t just feel bad, I was scared too. I asked questions like:
“Am I sure I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing”
“Am I where I’m supposed to be?
“What if I’m just lazy and not working hard enough?”
The lists of questions went on and on and on and on and on…
And there, in the place of prayer, God showed me how much I’ve achieved already, when it comes to personal development. I also realized that the only reason I wasn’t happy with the “other stuffs” I prayed for was because the “other stuffs” would have added prestige and public affirmation. I would have gotten some kind of respect from family and friends. So I had to repent, and repent I did.
I didn’t just repent because I decided to, I repented because God encouraged me and is still encouraging me… and I just want to extend the encouragement I’ve enjoyed and still enjoying to you.
Unseen VICTORIES are signs that God is working on your case, and is set to do a whole lot in your life→ THIS IS NOT A SWEET TALK. DON’T ALLOW THE DEVIL MAKE YOU BELIEVE IT’S A SWEET TALK
Why is it important for me to write in bold letters that this is not a sweet talk? Well, honestly I felt the same way when the thought came into my heart. I literally told myself:
“I’ve been here a thousand times before, but nothing has changed much.”
“I still feel like I’m not moving, like I should be moving”
In fact, those words made me sad all the more, and God saw that they really made me sad…He didn’t give up on me because I doubted His word that was specially sent to me, at a time when I needed it. Hmmmmmmm…What a loving God we serve. He is willing to walk the extra mile with us, just to make us understand that He is still with us, with His unconditional Love, and that He’ll never leave us…no matter what.
Ready to be deeply encouraged?
Thank God for your unseen VICTORIES: those VICTORIES that are not obvious for people to see, because they are signs that God is still on your case.
The Bible tells us: “And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ— right up to the time of His return—developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you” Philippians 1:6 (AMP)
Sweetie, if it was left for the devil…if the devil was given the opportunity to have full play in your life, you wouldn’t be alive to be reading this post. So, if you’re alive and reading this, it’s a sign right there that God is still very much involved in your life. The same God that is keeping you alive is more than able…is more than willing… to do you so much good. But He needs you to cooperate with Him, because He can’t do much in a man’s life without the cooperation of the man.
Are you cooperating with God? Are your words cooperating with His Word? Are your actions cooperating with His principles?
What are the words that come out of your mouth? Are they words that are in line with what God has promised you? You have to start being deliberate about the words you speak concerning your life and all that concerns you. Don’t let anger, pain, disappointment or whatsoever or whomsoever make you say something negative about your life! Words are powerful! Don’t speak right for a while and then insert some wrongs…there’s no relationship between light and darkness. Always, always, always…say the right words, and the right words are those words that the Bible says concerning you. Write down scriptures that are your situation specific and speak them out loud, at least once every day…because:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And they who indulge it shall eat the fruit of it,
(for death or life)” Proverbs 18:21 (AMP)
“For the Word that God speaks is alive and FULL of power…”
Hebrews 4:12 (AMP)
We can’t get it a 100% every time, but we shouldn’t keep fighting the same battle. Are your actions in line with what God’s Word says? Are you a doer of the Word… do you obey God’s instructions? God wouldn’t love you less, He’ll keep talking care of you, but He can’t hand things over to you if you’re not ready and matured for them… unless you want to get it with your own will power, and not His. Growth is for our own good, and we have all the Grace we need to make it work. We are told:
“But—obey the message: be doers of the Word,
And not mere listeners to it, betraying yourself
(into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth)”
James 1:22 (AMP)
What are you doing with the little you already have? It might not be as BIG as the portion He has given to others, but what are you doing with the little in your hands? Before God, they are all portions that mean a whole lot to Him, so what are you doing with your little? Are you faithful? Are you trustworthy? Let’s recall the parable of the talents:
“He who had receive one talent also came forward
Saying…I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground…
But the Master answered him, you wicked and
Lazy and idle servant… you should have invested my
Money with bankers… so take my talent away
From him and give it to the one who has the ten talents…
For every one who has will more be given…
And throw the good-for-nothing servant into the outer darkness…”
Proverbs 25:24-30 (AMP)
If you’re still at home and don’t have a job, what is the report from the home you’re in? What will people have to say of you? Do you do the chores that are entrusted to you very well? If you want a promotion at your work place or say a better job…well, how are you handling your current position?…How are you handling your current job? We have to be faithful and diligent with the little God has entrusted to us, if we want more.
Are you building capacity? Are you up to date with what is happening in the area you’re interested in? Are you, deliberately, asking the right questions? Are you humble enough to ask for help… humble enough to say you don’t know? What about being humble enough to take corrections…no matter how it comes? How about being humble enough to start small…to accept the little job that you obviously feel is beneath you…to start the business in a way that might be embarrassing? The Bible says:
“Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business?
He will stand before Kings; he will not stand before
Obscure men”
Proverbs 22:29 (AMP)
Are you scared?…Do you think you’re not worthy enough…that you can’t do it? Are you afraid that people will shame you? Are you afraid of criticism? Are you thinking more on how you might fail than how you’ll succeed? Honey:
“… You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood
a dedication nation, God’s own purchase, special people…”
1 Peter 2:9 (AMP)
“…As He (JESUS) is, so are we in this world”
1 John 4:17 (AMP)
rebuke that demon that is making you feel scared and unworthy!
Where are you in your journey? Where are you currently?? What is really the truth about your life???
You have to identify it, write it down, ask the Holy Spirit for the next thing to do, He’ll answer… when He does answer…do it, IMMEDIATELY!
I know dealing with all of these is easier said than done… because they hit me hard too. When the Holy Spirit dropped them at my feet, it was difficult to deal with… but we MUST grow. We MUST do more this year, because the Kingdom needs us to do more…because purpose is waiting on us, and it has to start with us asking ourselves some hard questions, and giving other selves some real, truthful, hard-to-take answers…and being sincere enough to say we can’t make changes on our own… and then ask the Holy Spirit to step in…and being willing enough to allow the Holy Spirit help us.
Hmmmmmmm … that you’ve tried a billion times, and it’s not working isn’t reason enough to give up. Try again…if it doesn’t work, try yet again, and again, and again, and again, and again…and yet again. Stop only when you WIN! If you haven’t won…then you can’t stop because ” WE’RE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!” and “WHATEVER IS BORN OF GOD IS VICTORIOUS OVER THIS WORLD” If you haven’t won, then the narrative is false and it’s wrong to keep a false narrative. And, when you’ve won here, move over to the other side, and there, and there, and there, and there…we are only permitted to stop winning when Jesus comes or when we leave this side of eternity.
I pray for you, as I pray for myself: I pray, that by the end of this year, may we be, utterly, amazed at what God has done through our willingness, and may we remember who we were at the beginning of the year…and may we see so much difference, so much so our memorable of us would be embarrassing to the us we’ve become at the end of the year. Amen.
I really need you to…
Get in the gym, and,
Stay Spiritually Fit.