SMILE… There’s a Reason for Today

See, life can be very annoying and irritating when you’re in a season you don’t want to be in. When you don’ like the place you are, the people you’re in it with, and the experiences that come with it…it’s easy to get tired of your daily routine. It’s easy to just miss out on the Joy and Peace that comes with each day…but that’s definitely not God’s will for you.

There’s a blessing for each day…there’s a purpose for each day…there’s a reason for each day…and God doesn’t want you to get irritated, annoyed, and angered through the day. He wants you to soak in all of the blessings that come with each day.

So, the purpose of this blog post is to encourage you to make each day count…to understand that each day is a gift from God…filled with reasons…filled with purpose…hence, we should be super excited to unwrap each day, because God’s gifts are always…b e a u t I f u l.

We can’t let our uncomfortable season consume us so much, that we forget to see God in our daily routine. We can’t get so tired of our present season, that we miss the reasons that come with each day. We can’t anticipate a “better and brighter” tomorrow so much that we ignore the things that God will have us do today.

Purpose is not an event; it’s our entire journey…day-after-day…on this side of eternity 

No day is void purpose. The numbers of our days are before God, meaning each day has a part of our life’s blueprint in it. We can’t ignore the part that comes with each day, because things aren’t going the way we planned. God has the ultimate plan for your life, you have to trust Him. He’ll come through for you.

If we don’t have anything to do on earth, we wouldn’t be here. God wouldn’t keep us in a world like this if we’re not supposed to be doing something for the kingdom here on earth. Also, you wouldn’t be in a day if all the day has to do for you is: “get you angry and irritated”…God can’t do that to us. He can’t play with our emotions like that. There’s so much that God has in store for you, when the sun rises every morning. His mercies are new every morning, waiting on us…to make us shine brighter, be better, be stronger…to make us more like Him.

This should excite us. It means: things might not be going the way we want it, but life is still worth living…each day is still worth living…because God has a reason for bringing and keeping us here on earth. Challenges and irritations can’t…and hence shouldn’t take us out. God knows that we can handle them. If they’re from the devil; Jesus has given us the authority to shut the devil up. Rebuke the devil; he’ll flee (James 4:7). If they’re things we just have to go through…His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Every day is filled with purpose… pay attention to your daily 

So many times we pray to walk in purpose…yet we dishonor, get angry at, shout at, get irritated by…and disregard what God allowed to come our way…and when we’re done acting all negative about all and every that came our way because God permitted them to, at the end of the day we go back to God in prayer, asking Him to help us walk in purpose yet again. Now see what’s funny: God will still answer our prayers by allowing things that will help us walk in purpose come our way. Come the next day…we’ll do the exact same thing…ignore…dishonor…get angry at…shout at…get irritated by…and disregard what God allowed to come our way.


Because most times what God allows to come our way to help us become all He’ll have us be, come in our annoying parents…the inconsiderate employers…our tiring routine that irritates us…the little assignments we dishonor…the circumstances we get angry at…the little ones we shout at…

God doesn’t allow these things come our way in other to get us upset, NO. He allows them because they are things that are already in the world with us. He can’t take them from the world, and we can’t avoid them…but we just have to face and overcome them, for us to be more like Him. They come to help us learn to not act in the flesh, but lean on the Holy Spirit to act like Christ…and the ultimate goal is to be like Christ, in a world that hates Christ.

God doesn’t do anything by chance. He’s more than INTENTIONAL. He created each day with us in mind…with things He wants us to achieve with Him. He knew the challenges will come to you…He signed and approved them, before they came to you.

Isn’t it funny how we sometimes say things like: “today wasn’t for me at all” or “I wish I can just erase today from the calendar” or “I can’t wait for this week to be over, because there’s nothing in it for me” or “I don’t know why this month is just moving slowly. I really want it to move fast, so I can start my life” or “this season is hard, I can’t wait for the coming season”

Most times we just want to rush out, and get moving…moving away from a day, week, month or season God allowed to come our way for a particular reason…for a particular purpose. Sadly, we just don’t want to move, we want to move without knowing and fulfilling God’s will for that time and season…because they’re irritating and annoying and challenging.

God allows irritating, annoying and challenging things come our way, because they are part of our journey in purpose

Sounded familiar to me when it first dropped in my spirit, but it felt new because I haven’t seen it in the light the Holy Spirit brought it to me. Some of the things we hate coming face-to-face with are things that must come if we must be all that God wants us to be and do all God wants us to do. They must come, because they help us build muscles for what we have to lift in and for the kingdom.

It’s like learning to fly a plane. I’m pretty sure, if you’re aware, you wouldn’t let someone that do not know a thing about flying a plane take the pilot seat to fly a plane you’re in. You’ll scream and run out of there, because it is only naturally to believe that the person stands a 100% chance of crashing. So why would you want to risk it? But on the flip side, when you walk into any approved airport and board a plane, you’re not worried about the pilot, because though you might never get to see and meet the pilot, you’re sure that no unlicensed pilot will be inside a plane within an approved airport.

The licensed pilot didn’t just wake up one morning and got his license to fly. No. He went through deliberate training. He was allowed by his trainer to face turbulence and all the fears that come with flying. He was, deliberately, allowed by his trainer…because to become a good pilot you have to face all there is. You see, it is not the trainer that creates the turbulence in the air. The turbulence is created by nature; the trainer will just allow his trainee to face the turbulence in other to help the trainee know what to do and how to do with the turbulence.

Same with God, He doesn’t create our problems, but He’ll allow them come our way, because of what they need to teach us. God is a faaaarrrrrrrrr better trainer. As a matter of fact, we can’t even compare God to this earthly trainer, because the wisest of man’s wisdom is foolishness before God. God knows, way more than we can ever imagine, the challenges we need to help us get equipped…and if we can’t handle a challenge, He’ll NEVER allow it come to us.

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us:

“For no temptation— no trial regarded as enticing to sin (no matter how it comes or where it leads)—has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man— that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear. But God is faithful (to His Word and to His compassionate nature), and He (can be trusted) not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will (always) also provide the way out— the means of escape to a landing place— that you may be capable and strong and powerful patiently to bear up under it” (AMP)

The above scripture is one of the corner stone scriptures for my life. It reminds me that God has got my back, no matter what. It tells me that no storm is greater than I am. It shows me how much God thinks of me when issues of life, that I think and believe are beyond me, come my way…and recently it’s showing me that  overcoming  trials and temptations are steps towards destiny…steps towards becoming all that God wants me to be here on earth.

Do you pray, earnestly, for God to direct your path?

Do you sincerely desire to walk into all God wants you to do?

If yes, this blog post is for you.

I’m just sharing what I’m learning from the Holy Spirit with you.  Recently, I was just complaining about yet another thing that was not working in my day. I was very frustrated and devastated. I wasn’t happy and I just had to talk to God about it. I wanted God to help me fix it, because it felt like I wasn’t making any head way in staying gentle and quiet like I wanted to. When it felt like I’ve fixed everything that would ever make my day or say week go wrong, all from nowhere something irritating, annoying and just very challenging will just pop up and ruin my entire plan. So, I wanted God to not allow these irritating, annoying and challenging things pop up no more. I wanted to have a smooth ride with each day…because I’ve prayed and declared that my day will be smooth and soothing.

But it wasn’t any other thing that needed fixing; it was my heart that needed fixing…

Renew your mind…change the way you see each day        

Wake up each day with declarations like:

“This is the day that the lord has made; I’ll rejoice and be glad in it”

“The eyes of my heart is flooded with light… I know God’s will for today and I’ll walk in it…no matter how it looks…no matter how it comes”

“I can do ALL things today…because Jesus Christ is my strength!”

Change the way you think about each day. Again, see it as a gift of/from God to you, and be super excited about unraveling it. Be happy that there’s nothing that you’ll face in the day that was not approved by God. Decide to do each day with Jesus. Decide that’ll you be all that God wants you to be in each day…that you’ll do all God will have you do each day. Acknowledge the truth that God has a plan for the day and you’re involved in His plan. Let Him take the wheel…sit and trust His leadership. God truly has a plan for each day…decide to allow His plans come to pass each day in your life…no matter what you have to go through.

Our journey through life is filled with purpose…filled with reasons to not just live, but live peacefully and joyfully. You might think you’re not doing anything “grand” and “magnificent” …but God wants to achieve a whole lot with you in the season you’re in, and in heaven what matters is not how “grand” or “magnificent” but how much God is involved in it. You might think that the season of your manifestation hasn’t come, but it will blow your mind to know what God wants to do in and through you…right now…today…this week…this month…this season.

Don’t miss out on it.

And do not forget James 1:2-4…

Challenges, irritations…or say, trials and temptations are tools that help build us. Learn to go through them with the right attitude…learn to go through them knowing Jesus is by your side…learn to go through them depending on the help of the Holy Spirit. Learn to welcome them and allow God to do with them what He wants to do with them…in and through you.

I pray you see beyond these words. I pray you learn to find God in each day…even when it’s a stormy day. I pray we submit ourselves under the mighty hands of God, so He’ll make us…the way He sees fit.


Get in the gym, today and always.

And do

Stay Spiritually Fit.









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