We Breathe His Breath

“Beautiful New Year to you.” And though some persons are arguing about it being a new decade or not, I personally believe it’s a new decade because we are no longer counting the two thousands in “tens.” So, for that reason I dare to say “Beautiful New Decade to you” also. *lol*

Hope the New Year met you well? Hope you have a reason to wear an honest smile? And hope you’re not allowing pressure rule your first decisions? Hope you’ve been speaking, positively, into the early days of the year? Hope you’ve been having heartfelt conversations with God? well, you should.

The year is already getting very busy for me, but I have been having heartfelt conversations with God. I have refused to allow busyness and flesh take that from me, and I’m entirely grateful for Grace that has made is possible.      

As I prayed and asked God how I should start this year and what I should start with, I also prayed about the Invisible Gym. Honestly, I wanted to know if I was still going to write blog posts this year. I felt God’s Joy and Peace, and I also felt the desire to write more and to be MORE intentional about it.

 While I was going through the process of asking and getting God’s Peace and Joy, I went ahead to ask God what my very first post was going to be about, and that came without pressure. I was so grateful that I didn’t have the pressure I had last year. By this time last year, I was so desperate to know what I was going to post. I wanted it to be so powerful and mind blowing and so much more. That explained why God didn’t allow me to post anything when I was still so desperate. So, I’m grateful for calm and just trusting God…so grateful for growth. *smiles*

So, what did God put in my heart to write about?     

God gave me a word for two sets of persons that made it into 2020. Now, I’m not saying every one of us must fall into one of these two categories, not at all. These categories are just what God gave to me, and I strongly believe that it is for a reason. You might not fall into these categories, but you might be reminded of something and of course, encouraged by it…so, read on.

Category No.1: the persons that sincerely wished they never made it into the New Year, because they are afraid; to fail yet again, to be disappointed yet again, to be asked “what are your plans and dreams?” yet again, to be called lazy yet again, to be rejection yet again…and to experience so much hurt yet again. They did their best in the previous year and decade. They wanted more. They wanted to achieve a whole lot. Nonetheless, all efforts brought them to the place of pain and disappointment. Now, they don’t trust their decisions. They don’t believe they can ever figure out life. They don’t have goals and vision boards; because they don’t even have a compass and they definitely don’t know where their North is.

Category No.2: the persons that are so excited about the New Year and decade and they already have their lives all figured out, written down, planned out and are already working and hitting goals…but sadly, they haven’t asked God to direct their path. They don’t care if their plans are in line with God’s will. They’re so glued to their plans…if God has to come in-between them and their plans…they’ll tear up.

God will have us remember…“we breathe His breath”        

If you’re in this year, it didn’t take God by surprise. He knew you’ll make it into the year. He wanted you here…for a reason. The numbers of our days are before Him. He has a plan for our individual lives. We didn’t create ourselves. We don’t give ourselves air to breath; He does. He doesn’t want us to figure life on our own. He doesn’t want us to perceive and do life with our senses. He doesn’t want us to be sad about life. He wants to show us ALL the “Hows” “When” “Where” “Who” and “What.”        

Are you so sad about the New Year? Well, you don’t have to be anymore. God sees you. He knows your fears and pain and He wants to reach out and help you, more than you’ll ever want Him to. He wants to make you see why you are still on earth. He wants you to know that if you weren’t useful to earth, then you wouldn’t have made it to earth. He wants you to feel His indescribable Love. He wants you to move past the feeling stage into the very banquet of His Love. He wants you to know how Valued, Blessed and Loved you are. He wants you to know, that no matter what you already think of Him, the breath in your lungs is a sign of His closeness and Love towards you.

Are you running ahead and making plans without God? God will have you know that more than you want to be successful. He wants you to be successful. He will have you understand that your “go getter” nature was His idea and doing. He wants you to know that there’s a reason you’re that way and if you can just let Him in, you’ll be amazed at what He’ll do in you and through you.

Renew Your Mind

Let the journey begin in our minds. Let’s start by sitting ourselves down and telling ourselves that we really need God. Let’s thank Him for the sacrifice of Jesus and let’s get excited about the person of the Holy Spirit. Let’s desperately ask God to step in and take the Lead. Let’s ask for Grace to trust and keep trusting God. Let’s ask for Grace to read the Word and pray consistently. Let’s decide that 2020 will be the year that we’ll really learn to walk with God, like never before. Let’s learn to live everyday with an assurance that we are so Loved by God and that nothing can ever separate us from His Love. Let’s talk to Him with an assurance that He will hear and come through for us. Let’s face challenges, knowing that He’s right by our side. Let’s wake up each day, reminding ourselves that God is for us, and that ALL THINGS will definitely work out for our good…and our good alone.

Do not take this “renewing of mind process” for granted, because it will silence and keep silencing the lies of the devil. That way our faith towards God will be all time HIGH, and we can trust that this way…we’ll receive more than we ask, think, or dare to imagine, as long as it is according to God’s will for our lives.   

Here are some scriptures to meditate on:

“The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me Life.” Job 33:4 (NIV)

“O Lord, You have searched me (thoroughly) and have known me. You know my downsitting and my uprising; You understand my thought afar off. You sift and search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue [still unuttered], but lo, O Lord, You know it altogether. You have beset me and shut me in behind and before, and have laid Your hand upon me… Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days of my life were written, before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them.” Psalms 139:1-5, 17-18 (AMPC)

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29: 11   (AMPC)

“Do you not discern that you…are God’s temple…and that God’s Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you…?” 1 Corinthians 3:16 (AMPC)

“I have been crucified with Christ— [in Him] I have shared His crucifixion; it is no longer I who live but Christ, the Messiah, lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith—by adherence to and reliance on and (complete) trust—in the son of God, Who love me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 (AMPC)    

My prayer for You and Me:                                                

As we desire and ask for Jesus’ Light, Wisdom, Power and Goodness, may we experience that desire beyond our asking and thinking.

May the remaining days in 2020 give us a supernatural experience of Jesus. May our lives experience a radical transformation, and when we stand to cross into 2021, may we be so super excited that we’ll keep doing life with Jesus, because our 2020 testimonies will be all over the place. 



Beautiful New Year; Beautiful New Decade

Get in the gym and of course,

Stay Spiritually Fit.    


2 thoughts on “We Breathe His Breath”

  1. This is an incredibly amazing and interesting piece. Over time I have been too preoccupied with the aesthetic writing on the leaves of the diary so much so I didn’t see the part where it redirects one to your blog.

    You are doing a very good job and it is my prayer that the reach of your content spread well over your wildest anticipation, and particularly, cause people in despair to be revitalised to get close to God, learn His ways and understand how much He is willing to get us through the good and the not-so-good times.

    I would regularly look up your content whenever I have the time. Good work and a very blissful new year and decade to you Deborah👍🏾. Cheers!!!

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