So, Give…
I’m already convinced. One of the major lessons I’ll get from this year is on giving. Giving is a significant principle in the Christian faith. As a Christian, you can’t avoid the conversation of giving. You don’t just get not to avoid the conversation, you also need to make sure you are doing it right. Doing it right? That might be a question popping up in your head right now, but you shouldn’t be surprised.
Our faith intertwines with the culture of the world, every day. It can be easy to adopt what is coming from the world, instead of what God will have you do. Especially since we now live in a time and age when the world is trying to redefine everything. There’s a way to give in the world and there’s a way to give in the kingdom. Of course, we know which one is supposed to have our sworn loyalty.
In the kingdom, we don’t give only when it is convenient. We take it higher; we give even when we don’t feel like it. We give, even when it hurts. We give, even when we have nothing left. We model the way Christ gave. What’s Christ’s model of giving?
He gave when He didn’t feel like it (SEE Luke 22:42-44).
He gave, even when it hurts (SEE Mark, 15:34, Luke 23:34).
He gave His all (SEE Luke 23:46).
Would you love to see how this could play out in your life? I believe you would. So, let’s see.
Scenario 1: Giving what you own. Most times we give stuffs out, only when we believe we don’t need them anymore or when their absence don’t matter, because we can easily replace them or we have other things that can replace them. You might be wondering what is wrong with that. Well, absolutely nothing, but that shouldn’t be the only case for a Christian to give out things. There are times when God will have you give out that piece in your closet that is really dear to your heart. There are times when you’ll think, “But I don’t have enough and I need this” but God will want you to give it anyways. If you don’t get comfortable with this idea, you might just get to the point where you just block God out. You don’t have to block God out. When He requires this of you, He only wants you to trust Him, and to make sure you don’t have anything so dear that you would prefer to hold onto, instead of obeying Him.
Scenario 2: Giving when you don’t have the physical strength to. There are times when you are just tired, and all you want to do is rest. Again, there’s nothing wrong with resting. One of the responsibilities God has given us is the responsibility of taking care of His temple, which is our body, and one of the ways to carry out that responsibility is…resting. Even God rested, after days of creating the world. Nonetheless, if you give only when you have the physical strength to, then you aren’t giving right. I said “physical strength” because there are times when God will require you to give and you won’t have the physical strength to. Guess what? You get to depend on the spiritual strength you get from God.
Scenario 3: Giving when it’s undeserving. Hmmmm…this is it. This is God literally calling you up to be where He is, and to stay there with Him. It’s allowing your kindness overflow, when all logic says is, “Dry out your river of kindness.” Please, don’t go quoting the scripture that says you shouldn’t throw your treasures in front of pigs. There’s a time and place for that scripture. There’s also a time and place when God will require you to give, even when the object of your giving isn’t worthy of it. It isn’t throwing your pearls to Swine, it’s extending the grace you’ve received from God to others. Grace is underserved.
So, Give…
Give knowing you’re not of this world. Give according to the culture of God’s kingdom. Give at work, in church, in your family, at home. Give to strangers, friends, loved ones. Give like you’re giving to Jesus (Colossians 3:23)…and if you truly want to give like you’re giving to Jesus then be like David who, in 2 Samuel 24:24, says, “I’ll not offer burnt offering to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.”
My Prayer for you and me:
May our giving never fall short of God’s standard, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Get in the Gym, and
Stay Spiritually Fit.