I was going to work, and I couldn’t help but reflect on all that needed to be done, and done by me. I immediately transferred from this reality to the “wish-world” and who doesn’t know how the “wish-world” can be? Well, it can be pretty interesting. You get to create a perfect universe and see everything working out just the way you want them to work out. For example, I wished I had all the answers to all the questions I was asking. I wished I already knew the perfect things to say and do with the different children, from different schools I will be meeting. I wished I already had the step by step guide on “how to get to the perfect future I so desire.” I wished I wasn’t in the dark in so many areas of my life. As I wished, my wishes came alive in the “wish-world” and they were all so beautiful, and had the extra attribute of making life easy. And while still in the “wish-world”, I heard my thoughts asking God, “Why can’t I have these wishes in reality?” and I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “Because there’ll always be room for faith.”

The Holy Spirit took over my thoughts and led me into a deep and truthful conversation. I smiled. I cried. And I was entirely grateful that God sees and knows. It was extremely comforting to be reminded, so deeply, of His supreme Power, Wisdom and of course His Goodness. And as the conversation made me so oblivious of every other thing, I was beyond convinced that God will have me write about it. So, let me use the next words to extend same encouragement your way.

Prayer isn’t a once in a while means to get a package from God; Prayer is a medium to stay in touch with God

When we pray, God sees and knows. Actually, before we even pray, He sees and knows what we already need and want. However, when we pray right, we give Him permission to get into the situations He’s already aware of and He takes full control. Now, it is very important to understand that God will not always get to us the way we want Him to get to us. Yes, God, definitely, has all the answers. He’s never unaware, but He can’t limit Himself to fit into our mould. He answers the way that will serve us best, even if we might never believe that His way is what’s best for us.

God doesn’t just do things for us; He’s a disciplined Father. He takes us through a process and makes sure we learn “all and every” we need to learn, let go of “all and every” we need to let go of, and be “all and every” we need to be. So, when we come out on the other side, we’ll be more than prepared to be, have and do all He wants us to be, have and do.

God achieves this by showing us our journey, one step at a time, and that’s why we need to stay tuned to Him in prayer. We can’t keep a healthy relationship without constant communication. God knows the A to Z, but He wouldn’t show us B until we’ve completed the process on A, but this can be very uncomfortable and frustrating for us most times. While in A we can’t help but be anxious about what B will look like, because when we look around us all we can see is A. Interestingly, that’s what everyone else can see too. So, we become afraid. We wonder what the future holds. We cry and ask God “why, when, where and how?” especially when we have everyone asking us, “After A, what’s next?” of course we wouldn’t have answers, because honestly we don’t know. When we pray and ask God to show us B, God shows us all the areas in A we’re ignoring, and reassures us that He’ll never leave us, and that it’s going to be alright…yet He won’t reveal B. In a bid to further reassure us of His Goodness, He might show us glimpses from B, C, D, maybe even skip to H and then R, but they’ll just be glimpses, and of course, we’ll still not really see and understand how, because A doesn’t show anything that connects to the glimpses we’ve seen. And then, we can even doubt beyond doubt that the glimpses we’ve seen aren’t for us.

You have to have Faith…

God is very mindful of us…He is very mindful of you. He is faithful to ALL His promises. What has He said, generally to us in the Bible? What has He said specifically to you? Well, if He said it, then He’ll do it. You just have to have faith. Spend time to meditate on God’s word to you as revealed in the Bible. Romans 10:17 says, “That Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.” Let the Word of God sink deeply into your soul. Let it build up your faith. Let it surround you when you go out and when you come in. Let it flood your thoughts. Let it invade every nook and cranny in your mind. Let it burst forth from your mouth. Let it put you to sleep and let it wake you up in the morning. You have to have faith.

God will always leave room for our faith to thrive. You have to let your faith step into that room and let your faith reach out to God. When it seems you’ve reached a dead end, when you can’t see any way out, when you’re unsure of the end at the beginning, when you are confused and can’t seem to understand…you obviously need the intervention of heaven, and heaven kisses earth through the portal our faith creates for heaven.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) NIV

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exist and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) NLT

”If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” (Luke 17:6) ESV

“For we live by faith and not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) NIV

Now, go back, read those scriptures again…and do meditate on them, deeply.

You need to learn how to move when God says to move, even if He hasn’t revealed your destination. You need to believe that your descendants can be like the stars, even when you’re too old to have a child.  You need to learn to obey God and just plant in the land during famine. You need to understand that if God brings you to a red sea, He has a plan for you to cross over. You need to learn to not save the manna that is supposed to last for just a day. You need to obey God and just praise round those mighty walls, instead of trying to break them down. You need to learn how to be fearless enough to stand before your giants and tell them how BIG your God is. You need to learn to walk on water. You have to have faith.

With God, there will always be room for faith…our faith. He’ll always leave a space that we’ll never understand. He’ll always want us to see that spot that will be all about Him. He won’t show us all at once. So if you’re always waiting to be certain and sure of how everything will turn out before you step out…you’ll miss the path God will have you walk in. You have to stretch your faith muscles, and watch God blow your mind!

My prayer for you and me:

I pray we see miracles, signs and wonders, because our faith will be so radical. I pray will step into a supernatural realm that we’ve never experienced before. Our families and communities will be transformed because of our faith, in Jesus’ name.


Get in the gym,

Stay Spiritually Fit.


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