Let’s start with a simple question:

Have you ever been in a situation where you believed you couldn’t help but do a particular thing or say a particular thing?


Do you have a particular bad habit that you believe you can’t really control…and hence there’s nothing you can do about it?

Well, let’s talk about it. First, I just want you to know that…

We are more powerful than we know, think and believe

Everyone born into this life has a willpower that is beyond their wildest imagination. There’s more power on our inside than life lets us see.  We can decide to do “whatever” and watch ourselves do that “whatever.” We can decide to say something and find ourselves saying that thing. We have the power to decide our fate in life, Christian or not. There are people that aren’t Christians that have stories to prove this…look closely around you and you’ll find them. It’s not about us; God all by Himself gave us that ability when He created us.  

Also, the Bible in Deuteronomy 31:19 says, “I call Heaven and earth to witness this day against you, that I have set before you, life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live…” When God gave us options to choose from (Life and Death), He showed us how powerful the willpower He gave us is. It’s like having two doors in front of you and having the power to choose which to open and walk into. At every given point in our lives, these doors are before us and will have the willpower to choose…and walk through. The Bible says to choose the right door…to choose LIFE.    

 And that also explains why Revelations 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [shall eat] with Me.” Again we see that we have the willpower to open the door for Jesus, or not open the door for Jesus. It is not God’s will for any to refuse to open. It is His will for ALL to come to repentance…but He gave us the power to make a choice.

Now this willpower can’t help us change our sin nature. The power of Grace is the only force that can change the nature of sin. Nonetheless, we still have the willpower to choose and invoke Grace upon our lives. The Bible tells us that this Grace has appeared to all men (Titus 2:11), but all men aren’t experiencing it. In fact, many don’t even believe that this Grace exist in the first place. There are unbelievers all over, and so many of them have heard about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…so many times, yet they haven’t chosen the gift of Grace. What this means is…even when God is ready, we still have a part to play. And God has given us all we need to play our part, which is our willpower.             

And as a Christian, it gets better…so much better. The Bible tells us that whatsoever we decree on earth is establish in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18). The Bible also tells us that as Christ is, so are we on earth (1 John 4:17), and that we have the ability to do greater works on earth than what Jesus did when He was on earth as a man (John 14:12). Let’s also not forget the part that says, the same power that raised Jesus from the grave gets to quicken our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11). There’s so much power available in us and for us. We’re powerful. We have the authority to decide what happens in our lives or what shouldn’t happen. That means if you believe a bad or sinful habit can’t change, your “believe” is in the wrong. That’s just the devil messing with your head.

The devil, with his little power, does everything possible to put us in the “doubt box”

In this doubt box, we have: fear, timidity, accepting the wrong, a “if God wants it to be then it will be” mentality etc. But we shouldn’t be there. With your right to choose Grace + the power Grace provides continuously… you can heal from the hurt. You can beat that addiction. You can control your feelings and emotions. You can begin again. You can say NO to sin. You can achieve that dream. You can shine with the stars on thick dark clouds. You can be a sun that shuts the storm. You can be a rainbow that people pause to talk about and get excited about, when you show up.  God has a special plan for your life and you can be all God created you to be. The devil knows this, so what does he do? Try to make you think and believe otherwise.

So, here is something new to believe: anything that is not God’s will, shouldn’t be in your life, and you have the power to decide. So you have to get into the Word, stay with the Word, believe the Word, pray with the Word, and get your freedom.

The devil will also try to make us feel that when we keep facing situations that will try to make us repeat that bad habit, it is because God doesn’t care about us. So, the situations that are supposed to bring out the best of you becomes situations the devil tries to use to tell you lies. And you’ll find yourself thinking, “I’ve tried over and over, but it’s not working” “This is just too hard” “I don’t think this is possible.

Dear one, trials and temptations are supposed to be opportunities that help train us into all God wants us to be. They are supposed to make us get better, not stay the exact place we’ve always been. They are supposed to make us see our progress, not make us feel we can never overcome them. They are supposed to refine our characters. They are supposed to draw us closer to Jesus…not away from Him. And no, trials and temptations won’t stop coming our ways. So, the soonest we learn to go through them with the right attitude, the better for us. Because the only way we get to know we’re becoming like Christ is when we meet situations that wants us not to be and act like Christ. For example, you truly can’t love like Christ until you deal with the very unlovable and trying to deal with the very unlovable will push you to the wall. You’ll be hurt…so bad. You’ll feel the pain. You’ll not want to do it…until you learn to do it. And because there’s always a deeper and higher version of loving the unlovable, we’ll always have the unlovable around…so we can keep learning and updating our version of loving the unlovable. Trials and temptations are just opportunities to learn how to imitate Christ. Little wonder why the Bible tells us to rejoice when they come our way (James 1:2-4). Trials and temptations aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. They’re with us…till the end of the line. (LOL)

As Christians that already have the very nature of God…why is it only the bad things we think and believe are hard to change? Seriously, why?

Is it just me, or we all find it easier, most times, to move from good to bad, but hard to move from bad to good? I want to believe I’m not alone (smiles). When we exercise for a long time, it is always easy for us to decide to take a break, but hard to get back to our routine. When we decide to go on a diet, it is always easy to cheat on ourselves…and we look forward to cheating days.  It feels better to know you have yet another excuse to postpone the cleaning of the closet. And when we come back from a travel, unpacking our bags, gradually (say at least a week), comes naturally than doing it at once…WHY? Well, because our flesh, naturally, don’t want to do the right thing. Our flesh doesn’t want to do what’s the best for us. The scripture says that our flesh is an antagonist of our spirits (Galatians 5:17), and we’re spiritual beings just living in this dust clothing called flesh. This flesh doesn’t want to do what God wants us to do. It will give us every good reason to choose wrong over right. It wants to shut down when we reach out to do what’s right.

But what does the Bible say concerning this flesh? The Bible says that everything that originates from the flesh leads to death (Romans 8:6). So, we should learn to subdue this flesh. When we choose to focus on Jesus and believe that we can become better, we’ll subdue the flesh. The flesh won’t have any other choice than to yield to our choice of Jesus. Yes we’re that powerful. We have the right and power to choose the VERY best and Grace will help us do the VERY best.       

God can’t stop your power to choose…so, who in the hell is the devil?

Again, the Bible clearly tells us that it is not God’s will for any to perish (2 Peter 3:9), yet people are perishing. What does that tell you? and like I mentioned earlier, the Bible also tells us that Jesus is standing at the door and knocking and that it is only those that open the door that He’ll go into their space and dine with them (Revelation 3:20). Again, what does that tell you? The Bible tells us yet again, that the children of Israel limited God (Psalms 78:41), “Limited God?” “Yes…limited God.”

When we choose wrongly, we can delay God’s plan or even silence His plan for our own life. A perfect example is the fact that there are people that lived and died sinners, and never got to be and do what God created them for. There are also others that are still living on earth and don’t believe that God even exists, and hence aren’t living the life God wants them to live. This means, that our choices can actually stop God’s plan in and for our lives. If God, in ALL His GREATNESS, can’t stop our power to choose…how can a little fallen angel called the devil get to choose what happens to us? And how do we allow him bring us to the point where we believe we can’t help but be in a dirty little corner that’s not God’s will for us?

We seriously need to put a stop to the abuse of the enemy (James 4:7)! The devil can’t keep making us accept sickness, depression, sadness, anger and hatred, shame, guilt, pain, lack…and all the packages hell has to offer. We have the right and power to choose ALL our portions that the finished works of Christ purchased for us…freely. Jesus took the key of hell and of death from the devil. He won it ALL for us. We need to understand this truth and live in its reality…every single day, hour; minute and second of our lives…and refuse to ever doubt it!                  

With God, ALL THINGS are Possible! (Matthew 19:26)

This is not one of those statements that are supposed to just get you excited; this is actually God’s Word and promise to us. God is not going to help you achieve anything sinful or anything that’s against His will. The strengths and abilities He gives to us are reserved for things that are pure, righteousness and according to His will…for us. It makes it safe and secured for us, because we don’t have any business with anything that is not God’s will for us.

Now, when it is God’s will for us…it is possible, very possible. Someone may want to ask, “How do I know God’s will?” well, first, if it’s written in God’s Word and it is not contradicting the terms and conditions of the New Testament, then it is God’s will for you. Then, about His specific will for your life…I can’t tell you that, because that’s a classified information that is an exclusive preserve of the Trinity. So if you believe in Jesus, and you have accepted Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, you can ask the Father and He’ll communicate to you through the Holy Spirit. Yes, it’s that simple.  

With God it is possible. As a Christian you don’t just have the power to choose between life and death, you also have the power that raise Jesus from the grave. You have the One who created ALL THINGS backing you up. You have the One Whom ALL creation bows to, as a support system. So, I want you to get your fight back and start choosing. Don’t just choose; choose right, choose bold, choose fearless, choose brave, choose BIG, choose b e a u t i f u l, choose great, choose awesome…CHOOSE LIFE…again, again, again…and yet again…all and every time.

Choosing means Believing…choosing Life means believing Life. Life is ALL of God’s will for you.

My prayer for you:        

I pray you get your life back in shape and may you, boldly, start choosing life…every single time you have to choose…every single time.

I pray you see the very power of God in your life. And may you be a true witness of  our Lord Jesus Christ.


Do get in the gym and do

Stay Spiritually Fit.     


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