Do you think you’re enjoying the privileges that come with being a Christian?
Are you enjoying divine health?
Are you walking in the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Do you have the Holy Spirit reveal things to you before they happen?
Yes, there are privileges of being a Christian
It’s a beautiful experience to enjoy the privileges that come with being a born again. If you’re born again, you have the life of God. Do you know what that means? It means you have all it takes to live like Christ, including walking on water. Now, I don’t think you want to walk on water, in this day and age, but the same power that enabled Jesus to walk on water is on the inside of you. Can you imagine what you can achieve in your secular space, with that power? Sadly, as Christians, we hardly utilize this power and other privileges that come with being a child of God. Why?
I’ve come to understand that one of the major reasons is because we don’t believe that all God says about us is as simple and easy as they’re said. We believe that we have to put in so much effort and attain a certain height before we’ll have access to the privileges we have in the supernatural, but that isn’t true. Every privilege, right and inheritance that comes with being a believer is given to the believer (in full) the very moment the believer accepts the gift of salvation.
If the believer isn’t walking in that privilege, right and inheritance, it’s because the believer isn’t aware of them or the believer hasn’t believed. It isn’t God who is holding it back from the believer. The devil knows this truth, so he uses ignorance and unbelief to hold us back. If you become aware of the privilege, right and inheritance, then he’ll make you belief that you aren’t worthy to walk in them yet. What a cunny fellow.
We need to renew our minds. We need to understand that we are worthy, even when we make mistakes.
If your worthiness is dependent on your works or whether you make mistakes or not, then the sacrifice of Jesus is useless. Let me explain this further, using the parable of the prodigal son.
Luke 15:11-32 tells the story of a younger son who asked his father for his share of the inheritance, when he wasn’t supposed to ask. Upon receiving his inheritance from his father, he travelled to a distant land. In that distant land, he squandered the inheritance he got from his father. That left him broke. He was so broke that he had to share foods with pigs, when he was hunger. One day, he had a light bulb moment. He realized that in his father’s house, even slaves had good food to eat. He decided to go back to his father and ask for forgiveness. The day he got home, before he got close to his father’s house, his father ran out to meet him. He apologized to his father and asked to be a slave, but his father response to that appeal was,
“…bring quickly the best robe (the festive robe of honour) and put it on him; and give him a ring for his hand and sandals for his feet. And bring out that wheat-fattened calf and kill it; and let us revel and feast and be happy and make merry, because this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!…”
“Quickly” stands out for me in that passage. His father was quick to change everything about him. His father didn’t put him on probation to see if he had truly repented. He wasn’t punished for what he did. He didn’t just find acceptance, his transformation came quickly. Do you know the best thing about this story? Jesus gave us this story. Jesus was literally saying, “Hey people, this is God’s heart for you.”
You can’t outthink God
The good you desire for yourself can never be greater than the good God wants to lavish on you. Even your best thought for yourself can’t come close to His best for you. He’s able to do far over and above your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams (SEE Ephesians 3:20). He wants to see you live in His blessings more than you want to be blessed. He wants to see you live in those blessings, as soon as possible.
The prodigal son was comfortable to live at the slave level, but the father commanded that a higher honour should come to him, quickly. You just have to believe that God wants you to leave the demeaning ordinary realm to the honourable supernatural realm, as soon as possible, because that’s where you belong. If you don’t believe, it won’t be a reality for you.
I’m not saying God is the genie who grants all our wishes, quickly. Of course, God has principles and laws, and He won’t grant us things that go against His principles and laws. What I’m saying is that the minimum level for every Christian is a life in the supernatural, yet most Christians aren’t living in the supernatural.
Fan your faith into flames
Imagine dead bones, and believe your words can turn them to a mighty army. Don’t let your mind forget that in you lies what can calm the fiercest storms. Believe five loaves of bread and two fishes can feed thousands. Jesus didn’t need more than a moment to raise Lazarus, who was dead for four days, from the dead. When you make a decree in the name of Jesus, believe it’s settled. You’re a child of God. You have the very life of God. You aren’t just extraordinary; you’re supernaturally extraordinary. God isn’t holding you back from walking in the supernatural, so, what’s holding you back from walking in the supernatural? Refuse it, and move higher, quickly.
My prayer for you and me:
May we be Christians who enjoy the privileges, rights and inheritance that comes with being a child of God…in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Get in the Gym, and
Stay Spiritually Fit.