Letter To…

Let’s not rush over the Prodigal Son just yet. My last post was about how he got a reception he didn’t deserve from his father, when he returned home. Let’s address something else in his story.

First, can we all agree that the love his father showed him was excessively much?


Okay, I believe you’re saying, “Yes.” So, we can move further.

Let’s write him a letter.

The idea is not to bash him or shame him for what he did. The father didn’t do that, so we won’t do it either. Imagine you’re tasked with continuing the story from where the Bible left off, and in doing so, you must advise the Prodigal Son on how to live, after the shocking acceptance he got from His loving father. Remember, in the Bible, the story didn’t get past his return, the celebration of his return, his older brother’s negative reaction to his return party, and the father’s gentle rebuke to the older brother.

Now, imagine the party is long over. The servants have cleared out the mansion, and the mansion is back to normal, only this time with the Prodigal Son back in residence. Imagine that the Prodigal Son had spent 3 nights in the mansion and was about to read your letter at noon in his 4th day back in his father’s mansion.

How would you advise the Prodigal Son to live, from that day forward? In your advice, pay particular attention to how you would want him to relate to his father if you were in his shoes. Remember, he’ll read your words. So, what would you say to him?


Pause and imagine.

Imagine real good.

Let your words be kind, because His father was very kind to him, and we’re following his father’s lead.

Please, don’t continue reading, if you haven’t thought of what you’ll say to the Prodigal Son. It’ll help, if you can take your eyes off the screen and imagine what you’ll say to him.

Are you done imagining? Or you’re still reading?

Well, imagine a bit more.

If you’re sure you’ve imagined a bit more, try saying, out loud, what you imagined.

I’m making you take the exercise for a very good reason, so, please, go on.


I hope you didn’t skip the above exercise? Did you? I hope your answer is “No.”

I wish I can hear you tell me what your words to him are.

Anyways, I just hope they’re gracious, kind, and really inspiring.

Since I can’t hear your thoughts or the words you’re saying out loud, I’ll share mine with you. That’s the treat you get, for being the reader.

Personally, here’s what I’ll write to him:

Dear one, from henceforth, take what matters to your father seriously. You wanted to be a servant, right? Well, you got more than you deserved and requested, but you can serve him more than the servants do. With your purple outfit and the signet ring, you can still do what is most important to your father. Obviously, you being a servant isn’t what he wants. But, as his son, I’m sure there’s something he’ll appreciate from you.

Be a responsible son. The kind of son that’ll make your father beam with pride and joy. Do what your father loves. And you should know, you can’t know what your father loves, unless you ask him. Don’t assume. Ask him.

Personally, I believe that if he didn’t need you in his house he wouldn’t throw a party to celebrate your return. So go on, talk with him. Spend time with him, and get to know his heart on everything that matters to him. I hope you never bring that kind of sadness to your father again.

With Love, D.

Is there anything in my message that is similar to yours?

Our words might not be the same, but are they similar?

Bring to mind the words you imagined yourself saying to the Prodigal Son.

Now try saying those words to yourself. Yes, say them to yourself.

Do you know why you need to say those words to yourself? Well, the father in that story represents God, and He has extended His forgiveness and mercy to you too.

I believe as Christians we’re all like the Prodigal Son, but we’re at different points in our different journeys. You might be packing to leave the house. Or you just left the house. Or you’re still having fun at a distance land. Or you’re just realizing that you need to get back home. Or you just got back home. Or you’ve been home for a while now. And there are even those who don’t know that there’s a Father who is love personified and wants to be a Father to them like the father of the Prodigal Son.

If we use the words in my letter as a template, here’s how to move the focus from the Prodigal son to you:

Take what matters to your heavenly Father seriously. Spend time with Him, and the way to do that is reading your Bible and praying, especially praying in the Holy Spirit. This is how your heavenly Father wants you to live in His kingdom. Being useful in His kingdom means you’re producing fruits. And in John 15:4-5. Jesus said that you can’t produce fruits if you don’t abide in Him. And there’s no way you’ll abide in Christ if you’re not reading the Bible and praying, consistently. The Bible shows you God’s will, and prayer empowers you to not just live out His will but also live like Him on earth.

At this point, I encourage you to write a letter to yourself. Advise yourself on how to have a better relationship with your heavenly Father. No matter the level you are in your walk with God, there’s still a better version for you to step into…move on.

My prayer for you and me:

May will be Christians who are experiencing and living out the supernatural, because we are abiding in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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